Sunday, January 11, 2009

How I handle the kids while Brandon is away and some randomness

Nice huh?

I was actually just trying to get the dust ruffle on. The king size mattress is a little much for me to pick up and place nicely on the bed without pulling the dust ruffle, so I had Sebastian lay on it while I pushed the mattress over him. It worked great. I debated about leaving him there, but in the end I let him up. I figured the bed looked better without him between the mattresses.

These next pictures are of the cat. He pulled the bottom of the couch down in order to climb in and sleep. Brandon turned the couch over on its back so he could staple it back together. Not knowing the cat was inside....

There was a whole just big enough for him to get his face through. It was funny watching him try to get out. And like Sebastian under the mattress, I debated about leaving him there.

Oh, by the way, Spencer isn't the only one who has to wear glasses:


na said...

Too cute!

~*This Mama*~ said...

Beth, you're hilarious.

Email me and tell me whats happening on your end over there. I miss talking to you... =( (see my sadness? lol)

na said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway! Yep you grabbed my button...have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Those are Mr potato head glasses, right? My twins used to do the same thing! Hee hee!

Unknown said...

Those are great Beth.
Shame you didn't have a video camera for the cat, that could have made some money on America's Funniest Videos

Unknown said...

Hey, I never get comments on my blog, so I never check them, so I just saw yours from like a long time ago. haha. But yeah, you can add my blog to yours! Your boys are sooo cute. I bet they are so much fun every day!

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