Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mom, can the cat come wis us to chuch?

To get the full effect, you really need to click on the pictures so they can open up to full size. He was sitting in the rocking chair while I was getting Seth ready for church. He called my name and I looked over at him and he asked me in a totally serious voice, "Mom, can the cat come wis us to chuch"? He's such a nut.

oh, by the way, I would love to know whose reading up on our lives. Feel free to click on the comment button on the bottom of any post and leave us a Hello!


~*This Mama*~ said...

Well, hello then! =)

Kristine said...

*waves hi*

I know I don't comment much, but I love seeing your posts on my blog roll. ;)

Bryan and Marissa said...

Beth that is so funny! I love the cute things kids say!

Anonymous said...


shazelrigg said...

funny.....little always say the darndest things...and are so cute when doing it

laydownsally7 said...

I respect your opinion, but I wonder if you agree that all people should have the right to drive vehicles, own exotic wildlife, practice medicine, build bridges, own machine guns, etc. There must be SOME restriction on these liberties for the good of society, for society to be functioning and safe. I just want the government to help people be a little more prepared for having children. Because I can tell you from working in a low-income area at a public high school, when teenagers have children, it is NEVER a positive situation for the teenager or the child who could have had so much better of a chance had his/her parent waited until he/she were a little more stable. Sorry you stumbled on a post that may have misrepresented me as a "cold person"... Also, I do not wish to have children, as you suggested. And if I change my mind, I will adopt. I don't need to procreate to justify my worth as a person. Yours are beautiful, by the way.

~*This Mama*~ said...

EW Beth. I just went and read that girls post to find out what in the world she was talking about.

Yes, some people should not be able to have children.... but people that think like her are prob the reason abortion came about anyway. People that like to DTD but then not be responsible enough to be the one to love the life that was created from that deed. I honestly cannot fathom how some people desire to be married to their jobs and just be successful in life and money so they can have more stuff when in reality the stuff has them.

I'd rather have 10 more kids and stay at home with them and be the mother that God wanted me to be. To have the job God instructed me to have.

I can't believe people think that way. I have never had that frame of mind so I just have a really hard time believing that people can even be that way.

Hold fast to what you know, Beth. You know there's nothing wrong with being a mom. The first woman that God created was named "Eve" which means the mother of all living. Not the mother that goes out to work each and every day and never has time for her kids...

**oops... soapbox. I'll stop now.**


Serial Mommy said...

i'm here too! oh, and for that woman's comment...um, sweetie, you left your comment in the wrong place, this post isn't even about that!

Anonymous said...

Hiya Beth.

ChiroMomma said...

I cant believe you have these animals running around your house! And I mean the cat and dog, not your kids:) Sterling is such a cute kid! Hope things are well in KCMO!

What the heck was that lady talking about?....crazy!

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