Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas is here again!

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. Well I'm hoping to flatter a dear friend here in Missouri who has raised seven beautiful children and has touched the lives of countless others. Each year on November 30th she and her family have a "Christmas is here again" party. They decorate and celebrate and have a wonderful time. This year we started that same tradition. It's similar to what we've been doing, just not a set day. We've added the advent countdown that she and her family do. I tied red ribbon to 23 pieces of candy and one piece with gold ribbon, for each child and put it in their stocking. Each night after dinner they get to pull out one red ribbon, continuing on until they get to the gold ribbon on Christmas Eve. They are having a grand time doing this. Children love advents of all sorts. There is one in each of their bedrooms that they have to keep up with. Not a day goes by that they don't forget to move the piece that needs to be moved. We also wrap Christmas books and have them take turns opening one each night until Christmas Eve. That one doesn't start on December 1st though. We don't have 24 books yet. I try and add each year, but I don't want just any book so it's been slow. If you have any suggestions for great children's Christmas books please comment and let me know.

Can you tell that there are nine ornaments on ONE branch in these last two pictures? I'm guessing Seth or Sterling did it.

1 comment:

XLMIC said...

I used to get "tense" when the kids decorated the tree. But starting last year, I finally "let go" and they had a blast and it looked just as festive and lovely as if an anal, uptight, perfectionist ;-) had done it.

I'll check out my book stash for some ideas for you. I love the pictures of the kids decorating!

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