Thursday, October 1, 2009

We are blessed.

Someone Brandon works with isn't having anymore children anytime soon and decided that she wanted to get rid of all of her things. Her things included SIX boxes of 0-24 month girl clothes, shoes and accessories. SIX BOXES! By the time I was through the first three I was so overwhelmed I didn't even want to continue. There's OBVIOUSLY too many for us to ever need or want. After going through them and GENEROUSLY selecting what I thought we'd need, I boxed the rest up. There are FOUR boxes left. I had to go buy totes today to store all of the clothes. I'm still amazed. What a blessing.


Katie said...

That is awesome! When we moved to HI, a lady in the ward gave me everything she had from her first three girls, I have clothes for Galina up to 4T and haven't HAD to buy anything new, eventhough I's fun to get the new stuff too! That is great for you, so much fun to see all of the little outfits right?

Kari said...

Oh Beth, that's awesome! Does this mean I can't buy girl stuff? lol Tough, cause I am! Let me know when you want me to show you photoshop!!

Em said...

Sweet boxes of goodies!! =0)

Bryan and Marissa said...

WOW that is a ton of awesome girl stuff! How amazing!!!

Jenny said...

What a blessing!!! I am so happy for you. :) Thank goodness you can still use a doll ;)

TheAncientBahu said...

You won't think that when you end up having a boy instead and have to give away all those girl clothes...

Sarah said...

Booya! you scored. We miss you guys!! you are looking fabulous by the way. . .

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