Saturday, August 1, 2009


Can you believe it? What am I going to do? HOLY COW!!! We are so excited. We haven't stopped grinning yet!


na said...

Yeah! Girls are such fun.

Shauna said...

YAY! Congrats!!!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations! It's so sweet that this little girl will have so many big brothers watching out for her. And you are gonna have so much fun shopping for a girl!

Em said...

Saaaa-Weeeeet!!!! Congratulations!!! Lots of pink and frilly dresses!!! =0)

Katie said...

What are you gonna do? What's this little girl going to do?! I feel bad for her future boyfriends!

Kandis said...

NO WAY!!!!! Crazy! I'm so happy for you that you finally got a little girl!!!

Britt and Emily Chapman Familiy said...

Congratulations!!! We're so happy for you. (We're actually passing through Kansas City today on our trek out west. Watch for us to wave.=))

Sarah said...

Congratulations!! I knew it was going to be a girl! I didn't even know. I am so lame, i need to get on and catch up more. Mike knew somehow though. .

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