Monday, February 23, 2009

Why is it

that the sky falls when Brandon is gone? Is he REALLY that important? Am I not able to handle this by myself? Are we really supposed to do this together? Is the Priesthood REALLY that important? If you answered Yes, No, Yes, Yes, then you just won. Be sure to check your mailbox several times a day for your reward.

I'm assuming that the answers are YNYY. Because things literally fall apart when he's gone. It was by far the worst when he was in Iraq, because there was so much more time for things TO fall apart.

Thank goodness he's coming home in less than two weeks. I'm not sure about how much more falling apart I can take. The latest event would be food poisoning.

I took the younger three to Mc Donald's for lunch on Saturday. I ordered them apples instead of fries(without the caramel sauce). I got to see those apples again 12 hours later. Coming out of three small children. It started with Seth. He literally threw up every 5-15 minutes the WHOLE night. By 5am, he was alternating ends. It was so bad I just put him in bed with me so when he started coughing, I could just sit up and catch it. I had a pile of diapers and the wipes of the end of the bed and when he needed a diaper change he got the wipes and handed them to me. I was thankful for the help. LOL At 7am, while I was changing a diaper no less, Sterling started coughing and threw up in his bed. At the same time, Spencer came running down the hall to the bathroom. They are all still at it now. It got so bad yesterday, that I took them to the ER. They gave them some Zofram (?) and it stopped the throwing up.

Thank goodness, because I've got more laundry to do than should be allowed by law.

With all of the throwing up, it really was only the apples that made an appearance. The human body is amazing. How their digestive systems could digest all the other food they ate AFTER the apples, but not allow the "toxic" food to pass through amazes me. We are divinly designed aren't we?

Stay tuned, because I'm sure something else will happen before next Friday. Any guesses? I'll be sure to send another reward to the winner. That or a bill....


Bryan and Marissa said...

Poor guys! and Poor you I do not do well with throw up! But then again you do what you gotta do!

Kristine said...

I would have aksed them to do some sort of culture - then you would know for sure it was food poisoning. And so would McD's.

I hope they are all better soon!

Mrs. Clapp said...

Sorry, but I am glad we stayed in the drive through.

John and Brieanne Dabney said...

Ugh!! You poor poor thing! Been there - just not with so many kids!

Anonymous said...

What a miserable weekend!! :( Hope things will be better for you this week!

Jackie said...

bless ya'lls hearts! I hope your lil bits feel better soon!

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