Friday, July 31, 2009


Check back tomorrow after 11am central time to find out the results! Unless it's a stubborn one....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Meetings, meetings and MORE meetings

Apparently Spencer doesn't think we attend enough meetings on Sundays. I was making dinner when he came upstairs and told Brandon and me that we were going to have a meeting after dinner to pray and learn about the gospel. Thinking about the late hour I said, "Hey Spencer, why don't we have it tomorrow night for Family Home Evening?" He promptly said, "No, we need to have it tonight."

So after dinner we all went downstairs to attend Spencer's meeting. This is what we found:

He made himself a pulpit out of couch cushions and an end table. He made the rest of us seats and told us where we were to sit:

This is Spencer giving us our message:

He sure is a fun kid to have around. We love you Pency-Wency.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Youth Temple trip

This last weekend, Brandon and I had the pleasure of taking the Young Men and Young Women from our church to St. Louis to attend the temple there. We also went to the Arch and took a ride to the top. Can't say I enjoyed that part of it. Not a big fan of heights. Fun was had by most, and overall, it was a decent trip. Can't say I'm looking forward to another overnight trip with this particular group, but when duty calls.....

The best part was the fact that both of us were able to be there for Stephen's first trip to the temple. He had a wonderful time.

Friday, July 17, 2009

This is what happens when you're not patient

We thought it might be ready. Doesn't look like it huh? We figure it needed another week or so. We have more, but none that are this size. We're going to be so disappointed if none of the rest of them make it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Garden update

It's coming along nicely. We have gotten a ton of zucchini and a few cucumbers. When the tomatoes are ripe we're going to be swimming in them. We actually have a volunteer tomato plant that came up no where near the others. I'm assuming it was a seed in the bean seeds and starting growing. That or it was a seen in the compost we got for the garden. It actually has a tomato on it. And to think I almost picked it thinking it was a weed at one point. I have no idea how to can, but hopefully I can learn and actually can some of the tomatoes we're going to be getting. We have several watermelons and one really big one that we hope we get to eat. I've heard they are hard to grow and they can slit open before you know it. We're going to be very disappointed if that happens. We plan on building another box next year. If for no other reason, to plant all the "vine" plants in it. Between the watermelon and cucumbers, you can't see the other plants. The beans, peppers, onions, and asparagus are all hidden. Which means they probably aren't getting enough sun and will die or something. Oh well, trial and error. I think it's a good garden for a starter garden.